Hidden images, Joseph of Arimathea stained glass window by A.J.Davies 1937. St John the Baptist, Glastonbury.


This face appeared! I thought Hallo, what else is here? This technique of laying over double transparencies was introduced to me by a friend, he mentioned the author Maurice Cotterell, note the name Maurice..May your eyes see.

Maurice Cotterell deciphered The Lost Tomb of Viracocha and wrote some excellent books about his discoveries, which are recommended..

I already had one transparency of The Joseph of Arimathea stained glass window from St John the Baptist Church in Glastonbury, after my Mama passed I inherited hers, we had bought them together on a trip to Glastonbury Abbey together.

Different angles of rotation from this one window below, produced thousands of images, here are a few



Faces appear.

Joseph’s Staff transforms into a Golden Lance

His Feet transform into Copper Scrolls

Scrolls with Pine Cone, symbolism for the open third eye.
