Gemini Effigy at Compton Dundon, which is the eye of a Donkey.
(see Gallery of Effigies)
Don Key.. Don Wisdom, Wise Domain, Fort of Wisdom.
Don Key Effigy, The Northern Ass,
Assellus Borealis. The Donkey in the manger.
Three letters A D M A Davidic Harp symbol transforming the landscape, to a City of David.
In Gematria A =1, D=4, M = 1000, so here is the A =Adam, D=David, M=Messiah or the 14000 here with Joseph of Arimathea lay. 14000th part of the radius of the Earth
see: pagecxxvii; Manly P Hall – The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Noah And His Zodiacal Ark. from Myer’s Qabbalah.
The effigy of Orion as a Man surrounded by an Eagle, a winged Bull, and 2 winged Lions.
He Holds a Harp, The symbol of King David.
Image by Katharine Emma Maltwood.
The right hand of God, or the right hand of the first born twin, wrapped with a red thread by the midwife as the hand of the firstborn appeared during the birth of the twins Pharaz and Zarah.
345 triangle creates the continued geometry of the foundation for 12 around 1.
The right angle at 51.84 degrees x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 186,624 miles/ sec sq. = speed of light.