The effigy of a Bull’s head
and front leg, at Compton Dundon,
Somerset, UK.
51 06 N 2 44 W
House of Issachar,
The Golden Calf,
Add thirty degrees,
Onto Taurus we go,
His red starry eye,
As above, so below
Mirrors Aldebaran’s gaseous glow,
His horns welcomed the sunrise,
For over two thousand years,
His great clapper bell,
sounding his path,
His right front leg,
rests atop a tall mast,
Where Cancer emerges,
From the water at last,
This zodiac speaks,
From a time long before,
Zebulon’s haven,
Solarman’s Ship,
A womb for a king,
To sail through the flood
And be born again..